Friday, December 27, 2019
30 behaviors that will make you unstoppable
30 behaviors that will make you unstoppable30 behaviors that will make you unstoppableA lot of people are good at what they do. Some are even elite. A select few are completely unstoppable.Those who are unstoppable are in their own world. They dont compete with anyone but themselves. You never know what they will do - only that you will be forced to respond. Even though they dont compete with you, they make you compete with them.Are you unstoppable? By the end of this blog, you will be.Lets get started1. Dont think - know and act.Dont think. You already know what you have to do, and you know how to do it. Whats stopping you? - Tim GroverRather than analyzing and thinking, act. Attuned to yur senses, and with complete trust in yourself, do what you instinctively feel you should. As Oprah has said, Every right decision I have ever made has come from my gut. Every wrong decision Ive made was the result of me leid listening to the greater voice of myself.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDow nload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.The moment you start thinking, youve already gelbkreuzgas. Thinking swiftly pulls you out of the zone.2. Always be prepared so you have the freedom to act on instinct.Just as the yin-yang symbol possesses a kernel of light in the dark, and of dark in the light, creative leaps are grounded in a technical foundation. - Josh WaitzkinBecome a master of your craft. While everyone else is relaxing, youre practicing and perfecting. Learn the left-brained rules in and out so your right brain can have limitless freedom to break the rules and create.With enhanced consciousness, time will slow down for you. Youll see things in several mora frames than others. While theyre trying to react to the situation, youll be able to manipulate and tweak the situation to your liking.3. Dont be motivated by money or anything external.Having nice things is, well, nice. But for you, its never been a bout the money, prestige or anything else outside of you. Take these things away and nothing changes for you. Youre still going to be pushing your personal limits and giving it your all. Give these things to you and they wont destroy you like they do most people.4. Never be satisfied.The drive to close the gap between near-perfect and perfect is the difference between great and unstoppable. - Tim GroverEven after you achieve a goal, youre not content. For you, its not even about the goal. Its about the climb to see how far you can push yourself.Does this make you ungrateful? Absolutely not. Youre entirely humbled and grateful for everything in your life. Which is why you will never get complacent or lazy.To quote Jim Rohn, The way to enjoy life best is to wrap up one goal and start right on the next one. Dont linger too long at the table of success, the only way to enjoy another meal is to get hungry.5. Always be in control.Unlike most people, who are dependent on substances or oth er external factors, you are in control of what you put in your body, how you spend your time and how long you stay in the zone.Act based on instinct, not impulse. Just because you could doesnt mean you do. And when you do, its because you want to, not because you have to.6. Be true to yourself.Although 70% of US employees hate their jobs and only one in three Americans report being happy, relentless and unstoppable people purge everything from their life they hate.Have the self-respect and confidence to live life on your terms. When something isnt right in your life, change it. Immediately.7. Never let off the pressure.Pressure can bust pipes, but it also can make diamonds. - Robert HorryMost people can handle pressure in small doses. But when left to their own devices, they let off the pressure and relax.Not you. You never take the pressure off yourself. Instead, you continuously turn-up the pressure. Its what keeps you alert and active.8. Dont be afraid of the consequences of fa ilure.Most people stay close to the ground, where its safe. If they fall, it wont hurt that bad. But when you choose to fly high, the fall may kill you. And youre OK with that. To you, there is no ceiling and there is no floor. Its all in your head. If something goes wrong - if you fail - you adjust and keep going.9. Dont compete with others. Make them compete with you.Most people are competing with other people. They continuously check-in to see what others in their space (their competition) are doing. As a result, they mimic and copy whats working.Conversely, youve left all competition behind. Competing with others makes absolutely zero sense to you. It pulls you from your authentic zone. So you zone out all the external noise and instead zone into your internal pressure to produce.10. Never stop learning.Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning. When you want to become the best at what you do, you never stop learning. You never stop i mproving and honing your skills and knowledge.Your unparalleled preparation is what gives you power. No one else is willing to pay the price youve paid.11. Success isnt enough - it only increases the pressure.For most people, becoming successful is enough. However, when youre relentless, success only increases the pressure to do more. Immediately following the achievement of a goal, youre focused on your next challenge.12. Dont get crushed by success.Success can become a catalyst for failure. - Greg McKeownMost people cant handle success, authority or privilege. It destroys them. It makes them lazy. When they get what they want, they stop doing the very things that got them there. The external noise becomes too intense.But for you, no external noise can push harder than your own internal pressure. Its not about this achievement, but the one after, and the one after that. There is no destination. Only when youre finished.13. Completely own it when you screw up.Implementing extreme ownership requires checking your ego and operating with a high degree of humility. Admitting mistakes, taking ownership and developing a plan to overcome challenges are integral to any successful gruppe. ?Jocko WillinkNo blame. No deception or illusion. Just the cold hard truth. When you mess up, you own it. And as the leader, you own it when your team fails. Only with extreme ownership can you have complete freedom and control.14. Let your work speak for itself.Well done, is well said. - Anthony LiccioneCal Newports book, Deep Work, distinguishes deep work from shallow work. Heres the differenceDeep work isRareHigh valueAnd non-replicable (i.e., not easy to copy/outsource)Shallow work isCommonLow valueReplicable (i.e., anyone can do it)Talking is shallow. Anyone can do it. Its easily replicated. Its low value. Conversely, deep work is rare. Its done by people who are focused and working while everyone else is talking. Deep work is so good it cant be ignored.15. Always work on your mental strength.Mental resilience is arguably the most critical trait of a world-class performer, and it should be nurtured continuously. Left to my own devices, I am always looking for ways to become more and more psychologically impregnable. When uncomfortable, my instinct is not to avoid the discomfort but to become at peace with it. My instinct is always to seek out challenges as opposed to avoiding them. - Josh WaitzkinThe better you can be under pressure, the further youll go than anyone else. Because theyll crumble under pressure.The best training you will ever do is mental training. Wherever your mind goes, your body follows. Wherever your thoughts go, your life follows.16. Confidence is your greatest asset.Youve heard it before Running a marathon is far more mental than physical. A persons ability to run a marathon - or do anything hard - is more a reflection of their level of confidence than their actual ability.Your confidence determinesThe size of challenges/goals yo u undertakeHow likely you will achieve those goalsHow well you bounce back from failuresIf youre not confident, you will never put yourself out there in the first place. When youre confident, you dont care how many times you fail, youre going to succeed. And it doesnt matter how stacked the odds seem against you.17. Surround yourself with people who remind you of the future, not the past.When you surround yourself with people who remind you of your past, youll have a hard time progressing. This is why we get stuck in certain roles, which we cant break free from (e.g., the fat kid or shy girl).Surrounding yourself with people who you want to be like allows you a fresh slate. Youre no longer defined by your past, only the future you are creating.According to the Pygmalion Effect, the expectations of those around you in large measure determines how well you perform.18. Let things go, but never forget.The science is clear forgiveness improves not only your emotional health, but also you r physical health.Being unstoppable requires carrying no unnecessary mental or emotional baggage. Consequently, youll need to immediately and completely forgive anyone who has wronged you. However, forgiveness doesnt mean you forget. And it doesnt mean you have to do further business with those who have wronged you.19. Have clear goals.While a fixation on results is certainly unhealthy, short-term goals can be useful developmental tools if they are balanced within a nurturing long-term philosophy. - Josh WaitzkinAccording to loads of psychology research, the most motivating goals are clearly defined and time-bound.Your goals can either be focused on your behaviors (e.g., Im going to write 500 words per day) or on the outcomes youre seeking (e.g., Im going to get published on The New York Times by June 1, 2017).For most people, behaviorally-focused goals are the better and more motivating option. But when you crave the results so much that the work is irrelevant, your aim should be directed straight at the outcomes you want. However, results-focused goals are better when short-term and grounded in your long-term vision and philosophy. When your why is strong enough, the how will take care of itself.20. Respond immediately, rather than analyzing or stalling.He who hesitates is lost. - CatoAnticipation of an event is always more extreme than the event itself - both for positive and negative events.Just do it. Train yourself to respond immediately when you feel you should do something. Stop questioning yourself. Dont analyze it. Dont question if it came from God or from yourself. Just act.Youll figure out what to do after youve taken action. Until you take action, it will all be hypothetical. But once you act, it becomes practical.21. Choose simplicity over complication.If you cant explain it simply, you dont understand it well enough. - Albert EinsteinIts easy to be complicated. Most of the research and jargon in academia and business is over-complicated.Cutt ing to the core and hitting the truth is hard, because its simple. As Leonardo da Vinci has said, Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.Very few people will give you the truth. When you ask them a question, it gets mighty complicated. There are so many variables or It depends they say.T. S. Eliot said it best, Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?Wisdom is timeless and simple. Learn wisdom and choose it.22. Never be jealous or envious of someone elses accomplishments.Being unstoppable means you genuinely want whats best for everyone - even those you would consider your competitors. Jealousy and envy are the ego - which operates out of fear.The reason you are happy for other peoples success is because their success has nothing to do with you.You are in control of you. And you are different from every other person. There is no one who can do exactly what you can do. You have your own superpower with your own unique abi lity to contribute. And thats what youre going to do.23. Take the shot every time.If I fail more than you, I win. - Seth GodinYou miss every shot you dont take. And most people dont want to take the shot. Fear of failure paralyzes them.The only way you can become unstoppable is if you stop thinking about it.Just take the shot. Dont do it only when its convenient or when you feel ready. Just go and make whatever adjustments you need after the fact.24. Dont get caught up in the results of your success. Always remain focused on what got you those results the work.When you start doing noteworthy stuff, there are benefits that can become distractions. It can get easy to ride the wave of your previous work. Keep practicing. Perfect your craft. Never forget what got you here.25. Think and act 10X.When 10X is your measuring stick, you immediately see how you can bypass what everyone else is doing. - Dan SullivanMost people - even those you deem to be world class - are not operating at 1 0X. In truth, you could surpass anyone if you radically stretch your thinking and belief system.Going 10X changes everything. As Dan Sullivan has said, 10X thinking automatically takes you outside the box of your present obstacles and limitations. It pulls you out of the problems most people are dealing with and opens you to an entirely new field of possibilities.When you take your goal of earning $100,000 this year and change it to $1,000,000, youre forced to operate at a different level. The logical and traditional approach doesnt work with 10X. As Shane Snow, author of Smartcuts How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success, has said,10X progress is built on bravery and creativity instead. Working smarter.The question is Are you willing to go there? Not just entertain the thought for a second or two and then revert back to common thinking. No. Are you willing to sit with 10X thinking? Are you willing to question your own thought processes and open yourself to believing an entirely different set of possibilities?Could you convince yourself to believe in your 10X potential? Are you willing to undertake goals that seems lunacy, to you and everyone else? Are you willing to take the mental leap, trusting the universe will conspire to make it happen?10X thinking truly is hard to fathom until you experience. Once you experience it, you realize it not only possible, but even possibly conservative. Going from six figures to seven figures can happen within a few short years. If you think big enough, and are willing to act boldly and intelligently enough, its not that crazy.All the tools are in place in our global world. And if their not, then build them. Theres plenty of people doing it. You have no excuse, only that you dont really want it, and are thus not willing to pay the price.26. Set goals that far exceed your current capabilities.You need to aim beyond what you are capable of. You need to develop a complete disregard for where your abilities end. If y ou think youre unable to work for the best company in its sphere, make that your aim. If you think youre unable to be on the cover of TIME magazine, make it your business to be there. Make your vision of where you want to be a reality. Nothing is impossible. - Paul ArdenIf your goals are logical, they wont force you to create luck. Being unstoppable means your goals challenge you to be someone more than you currently are. As Jim Rohn has said, Dont wish it was easier, wish you were better.27. Make time for recovery and rejuvenation.Wherever you are, make sure youre there. - Dan SullivanWhen you focus on results, rather than being busy, youre 100 percent on when youre working and 100 percent off when youre not. This not only allows you to be present in the moment, but it allows you the needed time to rest and recover.Your ability to work at a high level is like fitness. If you never take a break between sets, you wont be able to build strength, stamina and endurance. However, not a ll rest produces recovery. Certain things are more soothing than others.Recovering from my work generally consists of writing in my journal, listening to music, spending time with my wife and kids, preparing and eating delicious food, or serving other people. These things rejuvenate me. They make my work possible, but also meaningful.28. Start before youre ready.The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. - Chinese ProverbMost people wait. They believe they can start after they have enough time, money, connections and credentials. They wait until they feel secure. Not people who are unstoppable.Unstoppable people started last year. They started five years ago before they even knew what they were doing. They started before they had any money. They started before they had all the answers. They started when no one else believed in them. The only permission they needed was the voice inside them prompting them to move forward. And they moved.29. If you n eed permission, you probably shouldnt do it.A mentor of mine is a highly successful real estate investor. Throughout his career, hes had hundreds of people ask him if they should go into real-estate.He tells every one of them the same thing that they shouldnt do it. In fact, he actually tries talking most of them out of it. And in most cases, he succeeds.Why would he do that? Those who are going to succeed will do so regardless of what I say, he told me.I know so many people who chase whatever worked for other people. They never truly decide what they want to do, and end up jumping from one thing to the next - trying to strike quick gold. And repetitively, they stop digging just a few feet from the gold after resigning the spot is barren.No one will ever give you permission to live your dreams.30. Dont make exceptions.Zig Ziglar used to tell a story of traveling one day and not getting in bed until 4 a.m. An hour and a half later (530), his alarm went off. He said,Every fiber of my being was telling me to stay in bed. But he had made a commitment, so he got up anyway. Admittedly, he had a horrible day and wasnt productive at all.Yet, he says that decision changed his life. As he explainsHad I bowed to my human, physical, emotional and mental desire to sleep in, I would have made that exception. A week later, I might have made an exception if I only got four hours of sleep. A week later, maybe I only got seven hours of sleep. The exception so many times becomes the rule. Had I slept in, I wouldve faced that danger. Watch those exceptionsHence, Zig was unstoppable.ConclusionFrom this point, your strategy is to make everyone else get on your level, youre not going down to theirs. Youre not competing with anyone else, ever again. Theyre going to have to compete with you. From now on, the end result is all that matters. - Tim GroverWhen youre unstoppable, you will make sure to get what you want. Everything you need to know is already within you. All you need to d o is trust yourself and act.Thisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.
Monday, December 23, 2019
25 Interview Mistakes That Employers Hate [Infographic]
25 Interview Mistakes That Employers Hate Infographic25 Interview Mistakes That Employers Hate InfographicGetting ready for an interview is one of the most harrowing experiences of any persons life. It doesnt matter if its your first interview when youre just out of college, or if its your 8th as a high level professional. The key to successfully completing the interview and getting hired is avoiding the mistakes that employers absolutely hate. You need to not only be aware of what youre wearing, but your mannerisms, tone of voice, how you answer each question, knowledge of the company and much more.This infographic covers 25 of the most common mistakes so that you can have the best chance of making a great impression, acing the interview and getting just about any job you want.Infographic by
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Soft Skills All Employers Seek
The Soft Skills All Employers SeekThe Soft Skills All Employers SeekHave you ever wondered what recruiters are secretly hiring for? Youve seen the mile-long job description asking for everything imaginable. Which skills and attributes are really going to land you the job?Thomas L. Friedmans piece for The New York Times, How to Get a Job at Google, references an interview between Adam Bryant of the Times and Laszlo Bock, the senior vice president of people operations for Google. Bock spills the beans on what Google looks for when hiring new employees, and it isnt just coding and good grades1.Agile learning. Bock says one of the most important skills to hire for isthe ability to make sense out of random pieces of data on the fly, which Google tests for through behavioral interviewing. It can be difficult to show this on yourrsum, but certainly not impossible. Tell a STAR story Thinkabout a time you were forced to make a decision based on lots of data or changing information. Now, break your story into four parts Situation, Task, Actions and Results. You can wow recruiters by using a specific story during your conversation and by including an abbreviated version in your LinkedIn profile.2.Emergent leadership.When faced with a problem as part of a team, how do you react? Have you ever been on a team where no one offers solutions to the problem or steps up to try and fix it? According toBock, Google looks for leaders who come forward with solutions when things go wrong. Holding a powerful position or traditional leadership roles arent enough. Emergent leadership is when ateam member comes forward to interveneduring a crisis and easily steps back into his or her team role again. A great way to prove your leadership qualities is to get recommendations on LinkedIn from peers and supervisors that speak to your ability to step forward.3.Intellectual humility.Do you take ownership of your work and ideas, yet know when to back down to better ideas? Intellectual humility me ans you dont let your ego get in the way. Bock describes intellectual humility as the ability to fight for ideas adamantly, but when new information is introduced, having the ability to embrace the new direction that evolves. Humility is also the ability to do whatever it takes to get a job done. There is nothing too far below you in fact, taking out the trash can be great exercise.4. Beinginquisitive and loving tolearntrump expertise.Bock noted that employees who possess the desire to learn and an inquisitive nature sometimes come to the same conclusions that an expert would. Even more fascinating is that the nonexpert can come up with a completely new idea or solution because they dont have the expertise or historical perspective. This can lead to innovative solutions and new directions. Depending on the industry you intend to work in, innovation may not be the most valued element of the corporate culture. Learn and appreciate which industries are adamant about expertise, and know when to showcase your love of learning.Truth Be ToldWill putting team player, innovative and strong leadership on yourrsumget you the interview?Probablynot. Rsums are reviewed for technical skills, andit isnt until the interview process that soft skills can be assessedadequately. So why is it that hiring managers screenrsums for technical skillswhen employers value soft skills most? Is there a breakdown in communication? Is it because technology cant screen for the soft skills? Or is it because too few employers can quantify, measure or label the performance associated with these soft skills? Lets hope thats where the next great advancement in recruiting happens.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Contract Addendum FAQ - United States
Contract Addendum FAQ - United StatesContract Addendum FAQ - United StatesWhat is the governing law of my Contract Addendum?The governing law will usually be the jurisdiction in which the property is located, depending upon the property involved. Depending upon the contract, the parties may choose one of the jurisdictions the parties reside in. How many times can I amend a contract using an Contract Addendum?There is no limit in law to the number of times a contract can be amended. However, our contract allows you to make amendments to a contract on 5 separate occasions which should deal with almost all potential situations. If additional amendments are needed after the fifth amendment, then an entirely new contract should be executed. How many amendments can I make to the contract within a single Contract Addendum?Our contract allows you to make up to 5 changes to existing terms of the contract. If you have more than 5 amendments to make, you should create a new contract rather than amending the existing one. Can I add completely new clauses to the contract?Yes, you can use the Additional Terms section of the questions page to create new contractual terms that were leid contained in the contract originally. If the parties execute an Contract Addendum, do the terms of the original contract still apply?Yes, all of the original contractual terms still apply, except to the extent that they have been amended by the Contract Addendum. Can I amend a contract such as a lease without the other partys consent?No, a legal contract between two or more parties cannot be altered unilaterally. Our Contract Addendum contains spaces for the parties to the original contract to acknowledge their consent to the amendment by signing their names. I selected Corporation/Organization for one of the Parties. The signing area now displays (seal). What does this mean?The corporate seal is used to authenticate corporate documents. The device to create the seal is a stamp that will emboss paper. The signing officer for your corporation would usually have authority over your corporate seal.I do not know when the Contract Addendum will be signed. Can I fill in the date later?Yes, by selecting Unsure as the date the agreement will be signed, a blank line will be inserted into the contract so that you can add the correct date after printing the document.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Characteristics of Chronological Resume Sample
The Characteristics of Chronological Resume Sample Employers seldom have the time to assess every resume they receive. A functional resume can make it simpler for potential employers to observe the way you can add value to their organization and might help you get your foot in the door for a work interview. If youre serious about getting work, attracting a possible employer is mandatory. Your hobbies reveal that youre a very good cultural fit for the corporation. Know the skills necessary for the job which you are applying. Next, you are going to start to list your major abilities and abilities. Chronological Resume Tips Work experience has to be listed with your latest job first. Recruiters have a job to do and will need to do it quickly, which is the reason why it is vital that they be in a position to evaluate your experience, education, and skills in only a couple of seconds. What You Need to Do About Chronological Resume Sample Your education section should concentrate on degree acquisition and coursework but have the potential to also incorporate other academic achievements like certificate programs or awards. Based on your experience and skill level, you can correct the summary to pay attention to your experience or skills and qualifications. If youre a recent graduate or have very little experience, you always have the option to platzdeckchen the education section ahead of the work experience section. Educational information is included alongside certifications and distinctive skills. The Good, the Bad and Chronological Resume Sample Picking the chronological resume for the appropriate reasons will impact your odds of standing out among the competition. Later, you will use the exact key phrases to write about your previous roles. If there havent been any gaps in employment a chronological resume will flow smoothly and make a superior impression. Occasionally a chronological resume is actually expected be a specific employee. Even if youre an expert professional, it is still possible to refer to samples which could help you update your resume. If youve downloaded some samples, be certain to customize them to the positions that youre applying for. The samples are a breeze to personalize and hence save a great deal of time of the user. You will receive the samples for each sort of job application. The duration of your resume depends on your degree of experience. All the above mentioned sections are must-haves. The Hidden Facts About Chronological Resume Sample Functional Sample When youre referring the online resume samples, you will require a functional sample in case you have employment gaps in your past. A good Sample Resume Free with a suitable format is essential so as to catch the interest of the employer when theyre looking for prospective recruits. Since chronological resumes are an essential document, its crucial to compose a nice and appropriate chronological resume that could assist the applican t to acquire the job theyve applied for. The Chronological Resume Examples are an essential document for men and women wishing to land in with work. Choosing Good Chronological Resume Sample Consequently, formatting and composing good resumes are as crucial as composing a superb letter of introduction to choose the application. The resume template isnt only easy, additionally it is readily available for free download. The sample can be extremely time saving as it can help to understand the format and also a number of the content details which are needed in a chronological resume. A great sample can demonstrate the best way to format your resume and the form of information which ought to be included. The chronological resume format is fruchtwein widely used by college students. A chronological resume is among the most common resume formats. A chronological resume is among the 3 main resume formats. To begin with, its important to see that any resume from copywriter to CEO ought to be limited to 1-2 pages. In addition, you always want your latest work to appear at the peak of the list and your oldest work at the base of your resume. In addition, in the event where ones last job reference wasnt the best one, an individual might want to select the aid of a functional resume template. For instance, you can select a text-based layout with a professional look that will enable you to highlight your work experience.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Study Finds Personality Assessments Improve Entry Level Hiring
Study Finds Personality Assessments Improve Entry Level Hiring A recent study by Hogan Assessment Systems found that personality assessments lead to improved hiring and increased employee performance in high turnover positions. Their research suggests that candidates who are screened through the Hogan Advantage Report are more likely to succeed at their job if they measure strongly for certain skills and criteria. The Hogan Advantage Report is based off the industry standard Hogan Personality Inventory, which measures bright side personality characteristics. The report evaluates applicants along three competencies necessary for success Dependability, which concerns following rules, accepting supervision and finishing assignments Composure, which involves the degree to which a person seems calm, even-tempered, and good humored and Customer Focus, which concerns providing good customer service, Hog an Assessment said in a recent press release.Individuals who scored strongly over the three criteria points were found to be substantially higher performers than their lower scoring counterparts. Focused on entry level hiring, research from various case studies provided compelling resultsBank tellers who scored higher on Composure, Customer Focus, and Dependability received significantly higher supervisor ratings than those with low scores.Cashiers who scored high in Customer Focus were more likely to communicate well with customers and were more than twice as likely to be rated high performers.Long-haul truck drivers who scored high on the Dependability scale were two and a half times more likely to be rated as a high performer.The key to success in most entry-level positions is the ability to handle stress and pressure, maintain friendly interactions with customers, and follow through on tasks, said Hogan Director of Research and Development Jeff Foster. The Hogan Advantage Report is a fast, inexpensive way to identify these characteristics in job applicants.Hogan Assesment Systems has over 30 years industry expertise and continues to help organizations find the right talent by measuring and assessing critical business functions.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
How to Quit Your Job Without Burning Bridges
How to Quit Your Job Without Burning BridgesHow to Quit Your Job Without Burning BridgesAfter much soul searching (and job hunting), youve finally found the job of your dreams. But before you say sayonara to your current job, youll need to have an exit strategy so that you can leave your job on good terms. Heres how to quit your job without burning any professional bridges.Heres how to quit your job1. Schedule a meeting.The last thing you want is your boss to find out youre leaving by overhearing the office gossip around the Keurig machine. So tischset up an in-person meeting with your boss to let him know that youre quitting your job. And as much as youd like to gab the news with your office besties, its best to wait to tell them until after your boss knows.2. Give plenty of notice. Lets say that your new job wants you to start in a week- and, frankly, so do you. But you cant leave your old job- and your boss- in a lurch, so negotiate your start date with the new job first. Let them know that while you are eager to launch your new career with them, you mucksmuschenstill need to be respectful of your current job. Giving a two-week notice is customary, but be prepared to work beyond those days if your job is specialized or if youll need to help the company transition.3. Keep it short- and sweet. While you might be tempted to tell why you are leaving, you dont necessarily have to. Keep your meeting with your boss short and to the point. Now is not the time to air grievances or let him know what you really think of him. Stay professional throughout your meeting, and if asked, you can say the reason for leaving as well as what company you will be working for in the future.4. Offer to train the new person. Chances are your company will begin the job interviewing process for your replacement the second you walk out of your boss office. So be prepared to see a bevy of candidates strolling through the office and interviewing with your boss. Once they hire a replacement for you, it might be expected for you to train that person. So beat your boss to the punch and let him know during your meeting that youd be happy to train the new person. Though training a new person while trying to tie up loose ends may prove to be a bigger nuisance, it forges goodwill- and a great reference- after you leave the company.5. Keep working.Sure, youre leaving in two weeks, but until then, youre still working. So dont stroll into the office at noon or disregard the companys dress code simply because you wont be sticking around much longer. Keep working as you normally would, answering emails promptly and attending all meetings. You may wind up staying later some nights in an attempt to get it all done, but it will be well worth it when you leave your old job on good terms and start anew in your new position.Quitting your job requires you to exhibit an extra level of respect and professionalism. By working hard and being personable (and professional) with your colleagu es and your boss, youll be able to keep professional- and pleasant- ties with your old company.Readers, how have you quit your jobs in the past? What tips do you have on how to quit your job? Let us know in the comments section below
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Civil Engineer CV Example 2018s Top Sample
Civil Engineer CV Example 2018s Top SampleCivil Engineer CV Example - 2018s Top SampleCreate This CV ObjectiveTo utilize my technical background and expertise in civil engineering and provide excellent skills in designing buildings and other infrastructuresPersonal InformationCarmen Frazier4962 Bloomfield WayPortland, ME 4101(333)-769-9202c.fraziersampleresume.netDate of Birth May 6, 1979Place of Birth MECitizenship AmericanGender FemaleProfile Summary Extensive knowledge in Building Engineering Strong technical skills in AutoCad applications MS Windows, Mac OS, Archicad, CorelDraw, Sage Experienced working in large scale industriesEducationM.S. in Structural Engineering, 2006Drexel University, Philadelphia, PAB.S. in Civil Engineering, 2002Drexel University, Philadelphia, PAEmployment HistoryChief, Civil Engineer, 2007 PresentDPR Construction Inc, Atlanta, GAResponsibilities Provided cost-effective solutions to recurring construction problems. Monitored the status of government projects and ensured compliance with civil engineering standards. Studied the plans of foreman before final set-up. Participated in the rehabilitation of The Bay Resort which was damaged by the typhoon. Provided quotations per customer requests. Coordinated with contractors and assistant engineers in processing monthly reports to make sure that all information is incorporated in the report. Utilized cost evaluation techniques in testing and verifying efficiency.Civil Engineer I, 2006 2007Clark Construction Group, LLC, Bethesda, MDResponsibilities Utilized professional approach in solving complex problems. Reviewed schematic and designs of other engineers. Screened the skills and qualifications of the applicants. Designed drafts and plans for schools, hospitals and commercial buildings using Auto CAD. Ensured that the construction procedures are in alignment with the DPWH rules and regulations. Secured the materials to be used in construction projects. Ensured the safety of all th e workers by conducting ocular on site inspection.ResearchN/ATrainingTraining in architectural DraftingAwardEngineer of the Year Award, 2005Professional MembershipAssociation of Certified EngineersSkillsAdept with engineering tools and techniquesExtensive experience in residential, commercial and industrial projectsAssociation of Certified EngineersCertificate in AutoCAD Customize CVCivil Engineer CV Questions1. How do you write a summary statement for a civil engineer CV?When crafting a summary statement, keep a strong focus on representing your greatest professional strengths and qualifications in as few words as possible. Cut your summary down to no mora than three sentences or bullet points that detail years of experience and exemplify areas where you excel.When trying to decide what areas to emphasize, consider just what employers are looking for by reviewing multiple examples of jobs youd target. Use these examples to match your most desirable skills, and describe them using t he kind of powerful language we demonstrate in our civil engineer CV sample.2. Whats the best length for a civil engineer CV?A one-page CV is your best chance for passing the 10-second test. If youre not familiar with the 10-second test, its a rule of thumb that employers often only scan a CV for 10 seconds before making a decision and moving on.Your CV should allow the reader to absorb all pertinent information in a single 10-second scan, with enough enticing details to draw them back for a deeper read. For more ideas on how to craft an excellent one-page CV, use our civil engineer CV sample and our quick, no-hassle resume builder tool.3. Whats the best CV template to use for a civil engineer CV?Clean, modern, and minimalist are the hot trend right now, and for a reason. Minimalist CVs cut out the distractions to center your experience and outstanding accomplishments in the readers attention. You want to avoid anything that diverts or makes it difficult to focus.4. How can you sepa rate your civil engineer CV from other candidates CVs?Our civil engineer CV sample shows how to structure and organize a CV within a template, so that you take the most advantage of a templates features. You want your CV to be a natural reading experience, with no speed bumps to send the reader veering away.Use action-oriented writing to separate your CV from the crowd. Such writing creates a stronger impact by beginning each sentence with an engaging, dynamic action verb. These verbs create a more vivid portrait of your job duties, so that you appear actively in control of your working environment rather than passively completing routine duties.5. What should you include about your accomplishments on your civil engineer CV?Throughout your career youve likely facilitated or led a number of projects that required ingenuity and intelligence to resolve problems, cut costs, and improve efficiency. These projects make a great foundation to build your list of achievements by discussing ho w your results affected the bottom line.Follow the example set out in our civil engineer CV sample to write bullet-pointed achievements using action verbs. Describe your outcomes succinctly, and include eye-grabbing metrics wherever you can. Achievements should make up the bulk of each of your job listings to create a lasting impact on employers.More CV SamplesBiologist CV Bus Driver CV Clerk CV College Professor CV
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Helping Robotic Hand
A Helping Robotic Hand A Helping Robotic Hand A Helping Robotic HandIt can be easy to take things for granted. You go to the library, you grab a book, and start reading, never appreciating the action. Not the reading of the book itselfbut the fact that you just grabbed something.Even just gripping an object, something most of us do every day without thinking about it, can be a monumental struggle for others. Surabhi Mundada, a high school student, took on the challenge of trying to make a difference in those peoples lives.Interest into ActionIve been part of numerous science projects. I never delved into programming and robotics, but I was interested in bioengineering, she says. I saw gripping was an area that was a big problem for many. I wanted to make something to wear that could help with issues like tremors.Starting work on MyGlove in November 2014 while still a sophomore at Olympia High School in Olympia, WA, she had high hopes, but just as importantly, patience. And this past fall, she became a Google Science Fair finalist.Surabhi Mundada demonstrating her project. Image Surabhi MundadaFor initial research, she delved into issues such as what kind of pranke impairments existed and how they affected those who were suffering. I also researched what kind of sensors could be used for impaired movements and other areas, she says. I also made multiple test plans and diagrams. Many things got my creativity going.She quickly saw creating the glove meant dealing with a learning curve. I didnt have expertise but found guidance on it through the internet and open source. Arduino can help your learning, she says. I also didnt know a lot about robotics so it was hard to figure out which parts were causing issues. I overcame it partly with systematic debugging and taking it one step at a time.MyGlove uses sensors and servos based on sensor data. It moves and improves hand movement and reduces time to close the hand for a variety of objects. It can hold something as de licate as a Styrofoam cup, she says. MyGlove can detect tremors through sensors and then indicate whether the tremor is happening by LEDs. And MyGlove can control tremors with actuators that affect the amplitude.The MyGlove holding a styrofoam cup. Image Surabhi MundadaHer invention also placed high at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in the robotics and intelligent machines category, and it may just be that the skys the limit. I would like to binnensee MyGlove be connected to an app for patients and doctors to monitor and for self diagnosis, she says. I can see the technology being applied for other medical usages because there are multiple applications in the way it uses soft robotics. Since it has tremor control in mind, it could probably help for other symptom control and possibly for other medical conditions to assist with different impairments. I would love to see just how many people this could help.Growing with the ExperienceBut beyond the possibilities o f her invention are the experiences she takes with her.I learned so much about the mechanical aspects and, since this was an engineering project, how to systematically approach problems, she says. This is engineering and any obstacle can pop up and you have to take it on. I learned to plan ahead, be prepared and have perseverance. Its fun to create something and see how you can improve it.Eric Butterman is an independent writer.Learn about the latest trends in biomedical devices at ASMEsNEMBConference.I would love to see just how many people this could help.Surabhi Mundada, high school student
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