Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ethics in an Unethical World Does Common Decency Pay Dividends

Ethics in an Unethical World Does Common Decency Pay Dividends Greed.   Double-dealing. Cheating.   It seems there isnt a day that passes without news of unethical, or outright illegal, behavior on the part of successful companies or individuals.   Common decency doesnt seem to be so common nowadays.   One might even ask, are there any dividends of decency? I dont adhere to the biblical notion that money is the root of all evil.   But its undeniable that once money or wealth bcomes the primary motivation, its easier to justify away ethics and standards.   So how do you strive for financial freedom and hang on to respectable values? While thats a very personal question to answer, youll find some insights, and maybe answers, in three newly-published books.   Theyll show you how decency not only pays dividends, but is the best policy in creating positive results. The Dividends of Decency If youve always held a belief that making a profit does not require you to sacrifice your principles, this book is for you.   Author Donald Lee Sheppard reassures us that business ethics isnt an oxymoron.   In fact, those wise words you heard from your Grandma were spot-on.   Remember? Do what is right. Treat others as you would like to be treated Honesty is the best policy If that stirs up something inside you, that you know we need now more than ever, this book is a must read.   Values-based business is not only alive and well, its the only way to assure longevity.   And your reputation. The Geometry of Wealth Have you noticed that we live in a world that suggests to us that more is better, and equates wealth with possession?   Have you wondered what that has to do with living a meaningful life?   In the quest for more, when is enough, enough? Brian Portnoy sums up what he calls the four enduring sources of a joyful life. Connection the need to belong. Control the need to direct ones own destiny. Competence the need to be good at something worthwhile. Context   the need for a purpose outside oneself. He goes on to show that true wealth and purpose can be woven together to create funded contentment.   If you want to put a new perspective on how and why youre doing what you do, add this one to your reading list. Quantum Success Whether or not you embrace the Law of Attraction, (ala The Secret), one thing is sure.   Cause and effect are immutable laws of the universe.   If you live and practice joyful, ethical living, youre going to attract more of the same.   Conversely, if you create chaos in business and life, there will be more of the same coming your way. And if you want to see where youre going, look back at where youve been. Author Christy Whitman lays out a roadmap that anyone can use to steer them towards a better future.   Call it Karma, the Law of Attraction, or simply reaping what you sow, its as real now as it ever was.   While life will always present surprises, more of them will be pleasant and welcome when youre living beyond and outside of yourself.   Theres no magic in the book just truth.   And who cant use a dose of that?   (ed. note:   scheduled for release in September 2018, available for pre-order) Decency DOES Pay Dividends We are constantly living at moments of choice.   Each choice brings with it a result.   Doing life with a mindset reflected in these authors words, making choices that make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others, will pay dividends far beyond what your bank balance will ever indicate.   The dividends of decency.

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